четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

bes computers

...but I want a big, black, BEAUTIFUL trench coat.

Okay, maybe that commercial is about the greatest commercial ever, because I feel so beautiful and happy inside when I watch it. And it only plays heavily when Project Runway is on. DVF is a damn good businesswoman (I'm looking at you, Sarah Palin).

And yes, I hate to be superficial, but I miss my clothes. Like my super cute sweater dress and beautiful black pumps. (Note to self: Get them shipped over).

On a much more related note: I haven't been this content in a while - with what I've been doing, etcetera. I really don't think I could ask for much more, in this stage of my life. I guess if I had to regret anything, it would probably be that I can't share this with my best friend. I wonder how she is doing sometimes.

applewood baptist church colorado, bes computers, bes com, bes client.

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