понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

bixby knolls condo

I dedicate this to my beloved Yuya and to my new friend, revita.hearts;�
for the readers,� please have tissues with you. A lot of grammatical error.�may cause nosebleed.=)
my pov..�

As the night falls

As the night slowly falls, I withdraw the curtain to let the moonlight in. I walked to the window. Cold wind blows as the trees sway, it seems like dancing. I sigh and still looking at the scenery thinking, it is gonna be a long night again.

Thoughts of you start to crowd my mind again. I canrsquo;t help to picture you here beside me wrapping your hands around. While gazing at the starry sky, you would kiss me.

The more I think about it, the more I want to see you. And now, waking up from my fantasy, I decided to see you. I spread my wings, preparing to fly. I fluttered my wings and slowly, I rose from the ground.

From up above, can see the river that reflects the moon. I want to witness the beauty it emits with you because your beauty conforms to this paradise. Again, Iapos;m on my fantasy world. Wersquo;re sitting in the boat. We wander in this paradise. I can see the stars in your eyes. As they glisten, yoursquo;re looking at me as if it glistens for me, only for me.

I can see now my destination. A smile forms in my lips. I landed soundless to your wide open window. I peeked to assure that yoursquo;re peacefully sleeping. I approach as quietly as I can to avoid waking you up.

I walked towards you. I can see your face. I brush your hair away�that sticks to your closed eyes. Irsquo;m mesmerized by your angelic face again, as always. The moonlight shines down upon revealing your radiant beauty. Astounding as it seems, I continue to watch your sleeping figure not finding any words to describe it.

As the time flies, I realized I have to go now. I hate it when I have to leave you. I hate it when I have to say goodbye coz I know you would never stop me. But nonetheless Irsquo;m contented and happy and looking forward to the next night.

Before anything else, I lean forward and steal a kiss in your soft lips. My heart pounds as if it will jump out of my chest.

I took another glance at you before I flatter my wings. Grinning widely like I donrsquo;t care if the world ends now. As I float in the mid air thinking, another bittersweet memory that will last a lifetime, I will treasure till the day I pass away.

Before I sleep, I looked up the sky again. I found my lucky star. Closing my eyes, I solemnly pray. I still cling to that hope that someday we can be together. I will wait for that day. For now, I will wait for another night to see you again.

�I lay my body against the soft bed, hands still touching my lips. The warmth of your�lips�still stay. I smile. Close my eyes and drift away to dreamland where I can have you.�� ��������

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