понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

float reels

I ended up not doing bad on the few assignments I was worried about this week. I got a B- on my Traditional China midterm that I didnapos;t study for so Iapos;m very pleased - comments were that my writing was well done, just could have been elaborated more, which is what I expected. Also got a 75 (which equates to a B-, donapos;t know exactly how, but hey not complaining LOL) on that insane Human Sexuality test, which was the class average. And Jonas got the same grade as me, so heapos;s not dropping the class, yay ^^ I was also worried about my latest story for Journalism - but she gave us a chance to revise, so I looked over it with my professor after class, and she said I just had to tweak little things but it was well-done overall. I also have submitted a longer, tweaked version of this story (on the debates/presidential election) to be in The Independent this week (the school newspaper), at the request of the editor =).

So Iapos;ve decided to withdraw from my Art History class. I feel kinda bad, because the professor is really nice and I do find the material interesting - but the class isnapos;t doing anything for me, and Iapos;m not getting as good grades as I should in two of my other classes. Itapos;ll give me more time to focus on Journalism/Traditional China, and deal with everything else Iapos;ve got going on this semester. Iapos;ve decided to not apply for the VA minor anymore, and there are other classes that could count for the Asian Studies minor when I apply to it.

Iapos;ve also started planning my schedule for next semester - itapos;s great and sucks at the same time. Obviously, Photojournalism is a must - thatapos;s 2:30-6:10 on Wednesday (I haaaaaate that length class with a passion thanks to Art History, but this is actually something I like ^^). Iapos;m required to take Junior Seminar in Journalism, so thatapos;s a 2:30-6:10 on Thursday - thanks to that, Iapos;m forced to have an 8:30 class >_<. I have to take Journalism I and II in sequence, and one of the two sections for JII is during the same time as Junior Seminar (fail). I also plan on taking Modern Chinese history from 12:30-2:10 Mon Thurs - to get more upper-level credits and a class for the minor.

In random news - OMG WATCH apos;THE APPLEapos;. Epikly awesome movie XD. The sparkles The color The crazy awesome choreography
Silver shiny bathing suits XD
float reels, float refreshment, float refrigerant switch.

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